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Selected Media Coverage​



APA Monitor “Overcoming a Fear of Mental Illness” (May, 2013)


New England Psychologist Magazine “Predictive Neglect: Programs May Modify Outcomes” (August, 2014)


Sampan News “The Joys and Stresses of Having a Child: What Asian Families Need to Know” (August, 2014)


Harvard Crimson “Panel Explores Mental Health, Asian American Culture” (November, 2014)


WebMD Magazine “Asian Americans Tackle Mental Health Stigma” (Feb, 2015)


Psychiatry News “Subtle Cues in Young Predict Schizophrenia Risk” (July, 2015)


Harvard Crimson “An AAPI Perspective: Cultural Roots of Mental Health” (January, 2016)


CBS Evening News “Helping 'Satellite Babies' Thrive in the US" (July, 2016)


China Daily “Satellite Babies: US to China and Back Again” (August, 2016)


NPR “Born in the U.S., Raised in China: ‘Satellite Babies’ Have a Hard Time Coming Home” (October, 2016)


Boston Globe “Study Finds 1 in 5 College Students Reported Thoughts of Suicide” (September, 2018)


ABC News Medical Record “3 out of 4 College Students Say They’re Stressed, Many Report Suicide Thoughts: Study” (September, 2018)


Newsweek “One in 5 College Students Suffered Suicidal thoughts, Study Says” (September, 2018)


WebMD “1 in 5 College Students Stressed, Consider Suicide” (September, 2018)


CBS News “1 in 5 College Students So Stressed They Consider Suicide” (September, 2018)


NBC News “Minority College Students Might Not Get Mental Health Help Despite Needs, Study Finds” (April, 2019)


CNBC "Dealing with the Psychological Effects of the Pandemic" (May, 2020)


USA Today "Job Insecurity, child care: Moms reporting psychological distress amid coronavirus pandemic" (August 2020)


The New York Times "When Things Aren't OK With a Child's Mental Health" (August, 2020)


Greater Good Magazine "Seven Ways the Pandemic Is Affecting Our Mental Health" (August, 2020)


Psychology Today "A Significant Rise in Racism Toward Asian People During Covid" (October, 2020)


WebMD "COVID Fuels Depression In Pregnant Women, New Moms" (December, 2020)


GBH "Expecting and New Mothers Face New Mental Health Challenges In Pandemic" (December, 2020)


CBS News Boston "Brigham and Women's Study Finds More New Moms Struggling With Depression In Pandemic" (December, 2020)


Brigham Health on a Mission "Studying Pandemic's Effect on Mental Health in Young Adults" (December, 2020)


Boston 25 News "Study: College students’ mental health suffered when displaced by pandemic" (February, 2021)


NECN "Here's How the COVID Lockdown Impacted College Students' Mental Health" (March, 2021)


BU Today "Asian Americans and the Model Minority Dilemma" (March, 2021)


WBUR "'It Just Stays With You': The Corrosive Health Effects Of Decades Of Anti-Asian Violence" (April, 2021)


The Harvard Crimson "Pregnant and Postpartum Women Report Elevated Distress During Pandemic, HSPH Study Finds" (May, 2021)


The Harvard Crimson "Harvard Researchers and Clinicians Battle 'Silent Pandemic' of Mental Health Issues" (May, 2021)


The Hill "The mental health cost of anti-Asian hate on the AAPI community" (May, 2021)


KQED "Report: Asian Americans More Stressed by Anti-Asian Hate Than COVID-19" (June, 2021)


USA Today "'A collective trauma': Asian Americans confront mental health crisis amid racist attacks" (June, 2021)


Harvard Gazette "How COVID taught America about inequality in education" (July, 2021)


U.S. News "Pandemic Grief Can Come Between Mothers and Their Newborns" (October, 2021)


Nature "Millions of helpline calls reveal how COVID affected mental health" (November, 2021)


Axios "Fear and loneliness caused surge of early pandemic calls for help" (November, 2021)


Invited Talks


Liu, C.H. (December, 2019). Conceptualizing Stress and Separation Experiences Among Caregivers and Infants. Columbia University, New York City, NY.


Liu, C.H. (Oct, 2019). Developmental Risk and Cultural Resilience. Presented at the Stuart Hauser Clinical Research Training Program, Judge Baker Children’s Center, Boston, MA.


Liu, C.H. (Oct, 2019). Understanding and Addressing Transnational Parent-Child Separation: A Study of Stress in Chinese Immigrant Families in the U.S. Presented at the Brigham Leadership Summit: Women’s Neurosciences Advisory Board Meeting, Cambridge, MA.


Liu, C.H. (May, 2019). Research in Developmental Risk and Cultural Disparities. Presented at the Brigham and Women’s Neurosciences Advisory Board Meeting, Boston, MA.


Liu, C.H. (May, 2019). What We Know about Perinatal Stress and Mental Health among Chinese Immigrant Families from Boston. Presented at the Postpartum Commission Meeting, Massachusetts State House, Boston, MA.


Liu, C.H. (April, 2019). Uncovering the Stress and Mental Health Experiences in Boston Chinese Immigrant Families: The Role of Research in Program Development. Presented at the Tufts Asian Health Symposium, Tufts Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Boston, MA.


Liu, C.H. (April, 2019). Parent-infant stress and mental health. Presented at the MIT Saxelab Social Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory Meeting, Cambridge, MA.


Liu, C.H. (April, 2019). An Intergenerational Perspective on Stress: Implications for Understanding the Mental Health among Parents, Children, and Families. Presented at the Research Initiatives Meeting at the Department of Psychiatry, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA.


Liu, C.H. (April, 2019). Conceptualizing Stress in the Family: Mental Health and the Separation Experiences between Caregivers and Infants. Presented at the Department of Pediatric Newborn Medicine Grand Rounds, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston MA.


Liu C.H. (October, 2018). Parent Mental Health and ACES, Adverse Childhood Experiences Conference, Hamilton, Bermuda.   


Liu, C.H. (October, 2018). Taking a Multi-Level Perspective in Understanding the Intergenerational Transmission of Stress. Presented at the Population Mental Health Seminar, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA.


Liu, C.H. (April, 2018). Presented at the First Episode Psychosis TAC, Worcester Recovery Center, Worcester, MA.


Liu, C.H. (October, 2017). Developmental Risk and Cultural Resilience. Presented at the Health Equity Research Laboratory, Cambridge Health Alliance, Cambridge, MA.


Liu C.H., & Doan, S. (October, 2017). Assessing Intergenerational Transmission of Psychosocial Stress in Chinese Prenatal Cohort: The Early Life Project, National Consortium of Psychosocial Stress, Spirituality, and Health, Boston, MA.   


Liu, C.H. (July, 2017). Applying Lessons from Developmental and Psychological Research to Clinical Services: Supporting the Mental Health of Expectant Women and their Infants. Presented at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Grand Rounds, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA.


Liu, C.H., Wang, L., Chen, S., & Zhang, X.* (July 2016). Sending babies back to China: Understanding the decisions and outcomes of transnational migration in Chinese immigrant families. Harvard Catalyst Retreat, Boston, MA.


Liu C.H. (April, 2016). Bringing Up Baby: Multicultural Influences on Attachment, Springfield Community Forum, Keynote Presentation, Springfield, MA.


Liu C.H. (December, 2015). Postpartum Depression, Life Stress, and Disparities: Findings from the NYC & Massachusetts PRAMS, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Boston, MA.


Liu C.H. (October, 2015). Severe Mental Illness in the Family. Health Law Clinic, Suffolk University, Boston, MA.


Liu, C.H. (September, 2015). Hair Cortisol as a Measure of Chronic Stress. Presentation at the School of Medicine - University of São Paulo, Brazil.


Liu C.H. (June, 2015). Mental Illness Throughout Parenthood: Strategies for Supporting Families. Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, Mental Health Legal Advisors Committee Family Law Conference, Boston, MA.


Liu C.H. (May, 2015). A Daughter’s Perspective on her Mother’s Schizophrenia: A Film Presentation of “Out of the Shadow.” Presented at the Grand Rounds, Massachusetts Mental Health Center, Boston, MA.


Liu, C.H. & Seidman, L. (April, 2015). Perinatal Risks and Childhood Premorbid Indicators of Later Psychosis: Next Steps for Early Intervention. Massachusetts Department of Mental Health Annual Conference, Massachusetts Mental Health Center, Boston, MA.


Liu, C.H. (March, 2015). Can We Capture the Intergenerational Transmission of Risk through the Perinatal Period? Conceptualizing Stress in Diverse Mothers and Infants. Robert Wood Johnson Health and Society Scholars Seminar. Harvard University. Cambridge, MA.


Liu, C.H. (February, 2015). Breaking the Silence: Deconstructing the Stigma of Mental Health in the AAPI Community. Invited panelist at the East Coast Asian American Student Union (ECAASU) Conference, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.


Liu, C.H. (January, 2015). Crescendo: Amplifying the Asian-American Voice. Invited panelist at the Asian Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA) Annual Conference, University of Pennsylvania Law School. 


Liu C.H., & Seidman, L. (November, 2014). Mental Illness Throughout Parenthood: Strategies for Supporting Families. Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, Dorchester, MA.


Liu, C.H. (November, 2014). Culture and Lifespan Perspectives in Women’s Mental Health. Harvard Psychiatry Residents’ Day, McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA.


Liu, C.H. (August, 2014). Applying Lessons From Developmental Research to Clinical Services: Support Parents with Psychosis. Women’s Mental Health Rounds, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA. 


Liu, C.H. (July, 2014). Perinatal Stress and Psychological Outcomes: Measurement and Mechanisms.  Presentation at the Department of Psychology, University of Dresden, Germany.


Liu, C.H. (May, 2013). Maternal and Child Stress: Race, Culture, and Health. Presentation at the Department of Psychiatry, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil


Liu, C.H. & Seidman, L. (March, 2014). Mental Illness Throughout Parenthood: Strategies for Supporting Families. Massachusetts Department of Mental Health Annual Conference, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester.


Liu, C.H. (October, 2013). Culture and Relational Processes in the Dyad: Lessons from Our Observations on Mothers and Children. Presented at the Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA.


Liu, C.H. (December, 2011). Asian-American Maternal and Child Mental Health: Research and Clinical Concerns. Presentation at the Department of Psychology, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China.


Liu, C.H. (December, 2011). Asian-American Maternal and Child Mental Health: Research and Clinical Concerns. Presentation at the Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai, China.


Liu, C.H. (November, 2011). Face-to-Face Play in Chinese American and European American Mothers and Infants? Presentation at the University of Bristol and the Parent and Infant Mental Health Clinician Group, Bristol, UK.


Liu, C.H. (November, 2010). Migration and Re-Migration in the Modern Overseas Chinese Families. Presented at the Overseas Chinese Seminar, Harvard College, Cambridge, MA.


Liu, C.H. (October, 2010). Rates and Predictors of Postpartum Depression by Race and Ethnicity. Presented at the Infant-Parent Mental Health Fellowship Program, Boston, MA.


Liu, C.H. (June, 2010). Temperament, Stress, and Anxiety Across Cultures. Presented at the Judge Baker Children’s Center, Boston, MA.


Liu, C.H. (June, 2009). Emotion Development: The Role of Ethnicity and Culture on Experience, Expressivity, and Socialization. Presented at the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development Workshop, Nanjing, China.


Liu, C.H. (June, 2009). Emotion Development: The Role of Ethnicity and Culture on Experience, Expressivity, and Socialization. Presented at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.


Liu, C.H. (December, 2007). Emotion Development: The Role of Ethnicity and Culture on Experience, Expressivity, and Socialization. Presented at the Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts Boston, MA.




Conference Presentations


Liu, C.H., Chen, S.H., & Wang, L. (March, 2019). Socio-demographic Factors and Hair Cortisol in Chinese Immigrant Children and Parents. Paper presentation in Biomarkers of Chronic Stress, Disparities, and Development: Does Hair Cortisol Reflect Minority Experiences Across the Lifespan?. Society for the Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.


Liu, C.H., Snidman, N., Kagan, J., & Tronick, E. (May, 2017). Cultural Differences in Infant Reactivity: An Examination of Observer and Maternal Rated Behavior, and Cortisol Response in Chinese American and European American 4 Month-Old Infants. Paper presentation in How Do Culture and Social Processes ‘Get Under the Skin’?: Targeting the HPA-Axis in Cultural Relationship Science symposium. Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Boston, MA.


Chen, S.H., & Liu, C.H. (May, 2017). Past, Current, and Future Social Status: Relations to Immigrant Parents’ Stress and Well-Being. Paper presentation in How Do Culture and Social Processes ‘Get Under the Skin’?: Targeting the HPA-Axis in Cultural Relationship Science symposium. Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Boston, MA.


Liu, C.H. (April, 2017). Asian American Mental Health: Data, Disparities and Perspectives for Next Steps. Panel and Presentation in Asian American Student Health: What Do We Know? Let’s Talk! Harvard School of Education, Cambridge, MA.


Liu, C.H., Fink, G., & Brentani, A. (April, 2017). Adrenal Steroids from Hair and Nail as Potential Biomarkers for Chronic Stress. Paper presentation in Innovations in Chronic Stress Assessments: Developmental, Conceptual, and Methodological Considerations symposium. Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX.


Liu, C.H., & Zhang, X.* (April, 2017). Chinese Immigrant Parents and Children Reunified After Transnational Separation: Reasons for Separation and Family Outcomes. Paper presentation in Effects of Transnational Separation on the Development of Chinese Immigrant Children symposium. Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX.


Liu C.H., Li H., & Tung, E*. (August, 2016). Parental Recognition of Mental Illness in Chinese American youth. Paper presentation at the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.


Liu, C.H., Snidman, N., Kagan, J., & Tronick, E. (July, 2016). Cultural Differences in High Reactivity Profiles: Observer and Maternal Rated Behavior of Chinese American and European American 4-Month Old Infants. Paper presentation in Cultural Perspectives in Reactivity and Regulation Symposium. International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Vilnius, Lithuania.


Zhang, X.*, Liu, C.H., Wang, L., Chen, S. (July, 2016). Sending babies back to China: Parental reasons and feelings, and children’s outcomes from transnational separation. Paper presentation in Parental Migration and Child Development across Diverse Migration Contexts. International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Vilnius, Lithuania.


Liu, C.H. (August, 2015). Stress and Depression. Presentation in Stress as a Key Contributor to Health Disparities in the United States Symposium. American Psychological Association, Toronto, ON.


Liu, C.H., Leonard, A.*, Snidman, N., & Tronick, E. (March, 2015). Stability of Hair Cortisol in Postpartum Mothers and Infants at 9 and 12 months. Paper presentation at the Society for the Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, PA. 


Liu, C.H., Leonard, A.*, Snidman, N., & Tronick, E. (July, 2014). Longitudinal Study of the Relationship Between Self-Report of Postpartum Stress and Hair Cortisol in Mothers and Infant. Paper presentation at the International Conference for Infant Studies, Berlin, Germany. 


Liu, C.H. (April, 2014). Contemporary Migration in Asian Immigrant Families. Panel discussant at the Society for Research in Child Development Policy Conference, Alexandria, VA.


Liu, C.H., Li, H, (October, 2013). Is It Teenage Moodiness or a Real Mental Health Problem? Parental Recognition of Mental Illness in Chinese Americans. Paper presentation at the Boston College Diversity Challenge, Boston, MA.


Liu, C.H., Yang Y.*, Fang, S.*, Snidman, N., & Tronick, E. (April, 2013). Patterns of Face-to-Face Play and Regulation in First and Second Generation Chinese American and European American Mothers of Infants. Paper presentation at the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.


Liu, C.H., Yang Y.*, Fang, S.*, Snidman, N., & Tronick, E. (November, 2011). Face-to-face play in Chinese American and European American mothers and infants? Paper presentation at the Society for the Study of Human Development, Brown University, Providence, RI.


Liu, C.H., & Measelle, J.R. (March, 2009). Context dependent emotion expressivity in Chinese American and European American children. Paper presentation at the Society for the Research of Child Development, Denver, CO.



Community Presentations


Asian American Youths’ Social and Emotional Well-being: Doing Well, Feeling Well, Growing Well. (2019). Newton Education Support Network (NESN) and Chinese American Association of Newton (CAAN), Newton, MA. (Invited panelist).


Perinatal Stress in Asian American Women. (2019). Asian Women’s Health Conference, Dorchester, MA (Invited panelist).


Peace of Mind (2018). Boston Asian American Film Festival, Boston, MA (Invited panelist).


Asian American Mental Health Forum for Students (2016). Harvard College, Cambridge, MA (Invited facilitator).


Raising Chinese Immigrant Children in the States (2016). Winchester Chinese School, Winchester, MA (Invited speaker).


Promoting the Success and Well-Being of Asian and Asian-American Students (2016). Brookline Asian American Family Network, Brookline, MA. (Invited speaker).


Looking for Luke: Film Screening and Q&A Panel (2016). Cambridge Community Fellowship Church on Asian American Mental Health, Cambridge, MA. (Invited panelist).


Tiger Moms, Eagle Dads: The Role of Family Issues in the Mental Health of Asian American Students (2015). Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA. (Invited speaker)


Invisible Minority No More: Exploring Stress, Coping, and Mental Health Amongst Asian and Asian-American Students (2014). Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA. (Invited moderator)


Raising American Born Chinese Children: Lessons from Research on Culture and Mental Health (2013). Newton Chinese Language School, Newton, MA. (Invited speaker)


State of the Science: Advances in Child Development Research (2013). New England Chinese Parents Organization, Lexington, MA. (Invited speaker)


Raising American Born Children: Lessons Based from Our Research on Chinese Families (2012). New England Chinese Parents Organization, Winchester, MA. (Invited speaker)


Chinese Parenting and the Decision to Send Babies to China (2010). Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, Boston, MA. (Invited speaker)


Raising American Born Children (2010). Chinese Bible Christian Greater Boston, Lexington, MA. (Invited speaker)


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